Friday, 20 November 2020

12 std Ethics அறவியலும்இந்தியப் பண்பாடும் chapter 1 இந்தியப் பண்பாட்டின் இயல்புகள் Translation


Refer chapter 1 of 11th. It is same.

Definition of culture

Culture is morality theory for living life in a matured, balanced 
and right way. What we call as culture was mentioned in Tamil
 literature as nobility(சால்பு,), greatness (சான்றாண்மை) . 
Cultured people were called as noble people, disciplined people 
and people having good character in Tamil literature.

Culture includes one breed’s (ethnicity) policies, theories, 
objectives, lifestyle, habits, laws of society, religion, method of 
worships, love affairs, chastity, internal and external life 
conventions, constitution, literary convention, clothes, 
jewelries, food habits, festivals, entertainments and sports.

As we learn culture of an ethnicity from written written 
literature, folk literature also helps to understand the culture of 
the people. We can see that in folk songs, nomadic literature, 
proverbs, puzzles, sayings, songs. Even it reveals in music, 
dramas, paintings, architectures.

Encyclopedia of life – For generations what people learned as a 
group about behavioural sense, habits and conventions is called 

English dictionary – From practice and experience the growth 
of body, soul and feeling/ consciousness is called culture. 

Definition of culture by scholars

Vivekananda – Culture is determined by religion, tradition 
and economy.

Devaneyapavanar- It is already in 1st chapter of 11th.

S.Vaidhylingam – Culture is included in civilization. In the 
course of time, development of people’s mental health is culture.

E.B.Tylor – Culture is that complex whole which includes 
knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, law, customs, and any other 
capabilities and habits acquired by [a human] as a member of 

Ruth Benedict – The difference in thoughts, actions and 
behaviours of each race/ethnicity is called culture.
Walter – Culture shines if each one is doing their work happily 
with sincerity and honesty.

Elwood and Brown – Culture is the control of human beings on
 nature and themselves. 
It includes clothes, arms, instruments, living place, spirituality,
 language and literature.

c.c. North – Culture is an instrument developed by man to 
fulfill his necessity and desire.

Mathew Arnold – Culture is longing of one’s interest in 
increasing his qualities and protecting the society.

Malinowski – Culture is instrument developed by people. 
From this media people are fulfilling their needs.

E. Adamson Hoebel – Culture is a combination of behavioral 
pattern of people when acting together. It belongs to that 
particular ethnicity only. Not comes under hereditary in biology.

K.M Munshi- Culture is a worthy way of living. It is enthused 
by the assessment/values trusted by people.

American anthologists – The unique characteristics of 
particular breed is called culture.

 Evidence of Antiquity of Indian culture 

Literature helps to understand the happenings of that period. 
That is why it is called as a mirror of time. Literature is a special
 gateway of our cultural elements. 

The literary evidence is classified in 8 as follows:-


Vedas are evidence of antiquity and it is divided into four as 

Rig, yajur, sama and atharvana. These Vedas explains about 

the rituals and methods followed during that time. Vedas and 

Brahmanas tells about the religious beliefs and methods of 

Aryans. Aranyas and Upanishads tells about philosophical 

view of saints sages of ancient times. It also explains about 

their knowledge in astrology, medicine and language. It 

explains about the ways of ‘homam’/ yagna, rules and 

regulations for family life and abstinence.


Ramayan Mahabharata are the 2 epics of India. Through these 

two we came to know that the nomadic Aryans built houses 

and resided in permanent places. And learn about political 

and social struggles of that period, taxes, city life, 

punishments, lifestyles of people. The caste system which was 

emerged in post-vedic period was became stronger during the 

period of epics.

Dharma Shastra – Moral books

Moral books are evidence of history and culture. The rule 

books written by Manu, Yagna valkiyar, vishnu, Brahaspathy, 

Narada are called Dharma shastra. Through these books we 

learn about the method of punishments, social protocols, rules 

and regulations of those period.

11 books in Pathinenkizh kanakku noolgal emphasize moral 

views. ‘Rule book of world’ Thirukkural talks about 

ethics.Nadiyar written by Jain saints is also explains about 

morals. Aranericharam defines ethics and culture. Avvayar’s 

Athichdi teaches cultural features with simple single liners. 

Her other books are also about ethics in life.

Literature of Budhism

The Buddhist literature tells the teachings and preaching of 

Budha.It was written in Pali and Prakrit language. Buddhist 

literature has 3 divisions. அவை சுத்த பீடகம், விநய 

பீடகம், அபிதம்ம பீடகம்.Sudha pitakam tells about 

Buddha's preaching. Vinaya pitakam explains the rules and 

regulations and protocols for Buddhist saints. Abithamma 

pitakam explains the philosophical views of Buddha in 7 parts.  

மிலிந்தபான்ஹா, லலிதவிஸ்தரா, வைபுல்ய 

சூத்திரங்கள், நேத்திபிரகர்ணம், பேதக 

உபதேசம் are some of Buddhist books.

Through Manimekalai like books we came to know about the 

spread of Buddhism in TN.

Books of Jainism

Books of Jainism is also called ‘agama ideology’ It is divided 

into many parts and explains about the theories of Jainism.  

Eventhough Jainism divided into 2 as Shvethambar and 

Digambar, there were so many books written in them. Tamil 

Idylls Silappathikaram and Sivaka Chinthamani and many 

more books helping to know about Jainism.

Separate Literature

Through pathupattu Ettuthogai books Sangam literature 

explains about the culture of tamil people. Agananuru one of 

Ettuthogai books, we learn about the Tamil people’s marriage 

ceremony. We learn sociology, through purananuru’s phrase 

யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்‘ we learn importance 

of love in Aingurunuru, the principles to be followed in 

married life such as hospitality, respecting elders, prosperity 

in poverty in Natrinai, Margazhi fasting’s importance in 


Folk literature

Folk literature helps to learn about people’s beliefs, 

worshiping methods, festival, sports and medicines. It 

includes, stories, poems, riddles and proverbs and 

mythological stories.

Folk songs

Like other countries we also have immortal qualities. We have 

faith in God, fear of doing sin, religious attachment.

From lullaby to lamenting folk songs are echoing all the 

incidents of life. We can see the feelings of the folk people, 

their efficiency to write songs and imagination.

Pannathi in Tholkappiyam refers to folk ongs only. It means 

love of music.

Folk people loved to worship nature. We can see this in the 

following poem

சந்திரரே சூரியரே

சாமி பகவானே

இந்திரரே வாசுதேவா

இப்ப மழை பெய்யவேணும்

மந்தையிலே மாரியாயி

மலைமேல மாயவரே

இந்திரரே சூரியரே

இப்ப மழை பெய்யவேணும்‘

In a social gathering people sang kondatta padalgal songs and 

enjoyed. Song from a marriage ceremony is as follows,

பிள்ளை பதினாறும் பெற்றுப்

பெருவாழ்வு வாழ்ந்திருங்கள்

மக்கள் பதினாறும் பெற்று

மங்களமாய் வாழ்ந்திருங்கள்

ஆல்போல் தழைத்து

அருகுபோல் வேரூன்றி

நலமுடனே எல்லாரும்

ஞானமுடன் வாழ்ந்திடுவீர்.

These songs expresses their cultural thinking.

Folk stories

Native people lived in various parts of India, fabricated stories 

about world and its look. Over time these stories were called 

as epics and mythological stories. These stories are helping us 

to learn about ancient times. So India is called as 

depository/repository of stories.

Tholkappiyam also tells that stories were prevailed in ancient 


Entertainment stories were evolved into stories with moral 

values to cherish children. Sue to stories heard from his 

mother Marathi leader Sivaji became courageous in hi life. 

Harichandra story heard by Gandhiji in his earlier days made 

him to speak truth only.

விக்கிரமாதித்தன் கதைகள், பஞ்ச

 தந்திரக் கதைகள், மரியாதை ராமன் 

கதைகள்,தெனாலிராமன் கதைகள், இராயர் 

அப்பாஜிகதைகள், புத்தர் ஜாதகக் கதைகள்,  

அக்பர்பீர்பால் கதைகள், மதன காமராசன் 

கதைகள்,தமிழக நாட்டுப்புறக் கதைகள் 

போன்றவை சில நாட்டுப்புறக் கதைகளாகும்.

Folk songs with stories

To sing a story is called kadaipadal. In aparticular culture, and 

in a particular situation, a singer or a group of singers sing the 

stories or incidents is called kadaipadal. Either single story or 

multiple stories were sung. It was in people’s spoken language.

These stories are pioneers of idylls. Stories from epics, stories 

about village gods, social stories and historical stories were 

included in kadaipadal.

Kadaipadal is also called ammanai in Tamil. Ammanai was 

first coined in silappathikaram. There are 4 parts in 

Ammanai. Offering Prayers to god is kappu or vazhipadu. To 

salute teacher/guru is guru vanakkam. Then describing the 

story or incidents as song is varalaru. Lastly to bless the 

viewers and others is called vazhi.

முத்துப்பட்டன் கதை, நல்லதங்காள்

கதை, காத்தவராயன் கதைப்பா டல்,

வீரபாண்டியக் கட்டபொம்மு பாடல்,

பஞ்சபாண்டவர் வனவாசம், கான்சாகிபு சண்டை,

சுடலைமாடன் கதை, வில்லுப்பாட்டு போன்றவை

சில வரலாற்றுக் கதைப்பா டல்களாகும்.

Social status of that period can be learn in kadaipadal. We 

learn about the habits and faiths of indigenous people also. 

And it also reveals the features of great cultures and disorders 

of societies. These kadaipadalgal are called as veerakaviyngal. 

And they were also worshiped as gods after death.


Proverbs are there in all the languages of the world. These are 

considered as a measurement of culture of that country. These 

days we have laws to keep the people in order. But in ancient 

times without any laws, proverbs basically made the people to 

follow the morality. 



Among social characters discipline is the important one. 

These proverbs ‘ஒழுக்கம் உயர்வுதரும், ஒழுக்கம் 

உயர்குலத்தினும் உயர்வு‘ implied that people should 

live with chatacters. According to the proverb ‘

பழுத்தமரமும் செழித்தசெல்வமும் 

பசியாற்றவே‘ having wealth is to help others. 

அன்போடு அளிக்கும் கஞ்சி, அறுசுவை 

உணவை மிஞ்சும்‘ reveals the importance of hospitality. 

கெடுவான் கேடு நினைப்பா ன்‘,

தினை விதைத்தவன் தினை அறுப்பான்,  

வினைவிதைத்தவன் வினை அறுப்பான்‘

முற்பகல்செய்யின் பிற்பகல் விளையும்‘  

proverbs tells about 

good thinking and living with morality.

Proverbs are connected with lifestyle of the people. For 

example people put salt in guests’ plate. To teach a moral that 

one should not destroy the people in that house where one ate 

the following proverbs emerged - ‘உப்பிட்டவரை 

உள்ளளவும் நினை' ‘சோற்றுக்குமுன் உப்பு,  

பேச்சுக்குமுன் பழமொழி'. In ancient times the 

panchayat leader tells proverbs before opening the case. For 

example if the case is between brothers, he tells ‘கரும்பு 

கட்டோடு இருந்தால், எறும்பால் ஒன்றும் 

செய்யாது‘ like proverb and then only he will start the case 

proceedings. When brothers heard these proverbs, they 

realised their mistakes and started living together. Quotations 

and proverbs are different. To tell best opinions is quotations. 

Proverbs emphasis about cultures. Proverbs are created with 

rhymes so that people can remember it and follow it in their 

lives. The important aspect of our country’s culture is giving 

importance to elders in the house. If there is elders in a house, 

then that house will not face any troubles, as they will protect 

the unity of the house. The proverb ‘மூத்தோர் சொல் 


நெல்லிக்கனி' tells that we should give respect to elders.

So proverbs are treasuries of a country which contain culture, 

civilization and history.


Ancient stories are called mythology. Even though it contains 

fictions, we learn about Indian culture through these. We 

learn about religions, worships, idol worships, principles, 

theories, superstitions, shastras from these mythologies. The 

temples and its happenings, festivals and rituals are based on 

mythology only. வாயு புராணம், விஷ்ணு புராணம்,  

மச்ச புராணம், பிரம்ம புராணம், பவிஷிய 

புராணம் முதலியன அவற்றுள்


Mytholgy is full of fictions. Its characters are not only human 

beings but also animals and birds. When there was no 

scientific developments, people saw mythology as an 

instrument to overcome their difficulties. They thought 

according to their experience in life. Even lunar eclipse and 

solar eclipse were considered as a snake eating moon and sun. 

And according to them sky is male, moon is female, full moon 

a good omen which is a symbol of life and new moon day is a 

symbol of death. Rainbow was considered as a magic bow and 

they believed that if rainbow comes, rain will stop.

All over the world, the concept is there that universe was 

destroyed by flood and again it was created. The concept of 

village gods having more power, living like people, friendly to 

people and having more power, and found solutions to 

problems of people is there in mythology. Mythology helps to 

know the news about generations prior to scientific 

developments and also to regenerate the culture and history 


மகாபுராணம், கந்தபுராணம், விநாயகப்

புராணம், பாகவதம் போன்றவை புராணக்

கதைகளுள் சிலவாகும்.

Aspects of Indian cultures

1. Sustainability

Sustainability adds value to the culture.The external 

development of human beings is civilization, which is in the 

process of changing with times. But culture which is an 

internal aspect stays with the people and it passes from one 

generation to another generation.

2. Elasticity

Culture also has elasticity. Without tenacity, it changes with 

the situation and period. Civilization changes at any time. But 

even though culture accepts changes, its identity will be there.

3. Usage in day to day life

Culture helps in day to day life. It helps individuals and 

societies to attain their goal.

4. Helping in full growth and development

The growth of a man depends on his body and soul. Culture 

helps to get these two. Indian culture helps to live friendly 

with nature and live united with other citizens.

5. Knowledge of experience

From the knowledge of experience, people applies ideas of 

lifestyles and abilities learned from previous generations to 

improvise their life. Due to this current generation is learning 

about Indian culture.

Special features of Indian culture

Indian culture is ancient and multi faced. It has the 

environment of having people with different culture and 

religious beliefs lived peacefully and with reconciliation for 

centuries. From so many historical experience and 

happenings we achieved this current culture.

The spread of culture nowadays is very fast. Culture developed 

due to internet, telecommunications, and media in recent 

days. Following are the important features of our culture.

Based on Sprituality

Spirituality is rootstock of our culture. Indian culture teaches 

us to get sovereignty through Spiritual integrity. Temples in 

India are evidence of Bhakti movement. People of multiple 

religions living in our country. They have different life style 

and culture. But all the religions gives importance to purity of 

heart, body and soul. They teaches to give away desire and 

understand the spiritual path. It appreciates the Dharma, 

ethics, concept of incarnation without ignoring. Live united as 

per ‘ஒன்றே குலம், ஒருவனே

தேவன்‘ Tirumular's words. “எல்லாரும்

இன்புற்றிருக்க நினைப்ப துவே அல்லாம ல்

வேறொன்றும் அறியேன் பராபரமே“என்று

தாயுமானவர் கூறுவது, is high thinking about 

spiritual integrity.


People says that best cultural features are from Rome, Greek, 

Babylon, Egypt, and Persia. For eg. Pyramids. But our Indian 

culture is eternal by itself. Because it is passing on from one 

genertion to another.

Tolerance and Reconciliation

Due to greatness of our culture, even though we have 

differences in religion, ethnicity, language, habits and beliefs 

we stand united. Reconciliation yields to thought of protecting 

the land. Compromising for others make increase our 



To be loved by some one, we should love some one. This 

thinking is the basic of humanity. One who has this quality is 

called as cultured man. Apart from language and creed mutual 

affections and universal thinking makes our culture great.

Philosophical theories

The philosophical theories of our culture increases the 

greatness of our culture. So many rishis/saints, scholars, sages 

and sidhas preachings and great thoughts are followed in 

India which is ancient and has great culture. These theories 

purify the internal and external thoughts of human beings and 

make it great.

வேதங்கள், உபநிடதங்கள், காவியங்கள்,

புராணங்கள், பகவத்கீதை போன்ற தத்துவ

மறைகள் reveals the greatness of human culture. 

Bhakti/religious books in சமணம், ப ௌத்தம்,  

கிறித்துவம், இஸ்லாம் explains about the hidden 

meaning of philosophy. According to Rig veda, let great 

thoughts from all the parts come to us’. Likewise our culture 

include all good thoughts and standing tall in the world in 

terms of culture.

Status of eternal values


To show affection to each other is called love. It is called in 

many names like compassion, pity, kindness. Love is the basic 

of grace.



சத்தியம் என்பது உண்மை

எனப்படுகிறது. உள்ளத்திலிருந்து வருவது

உண்மையெனவும், வாயிலிருந்து வருவதால்

வாய்மை எனவும் அழைக்கப்படுகிறது.

உடலால் வருவது மெய்மை. இம்மூன்றையும்

உள்ளடக்கிய சொ ல் சத்தியமாகும்.


The universe is moving due to charity only. In Tamil helping 

others is called

அறம், ஈகை.

Ahimsa non violence

Not to do cruelty to others by thoughts, words or acts is non 


Peace of mind

To be relieved of thoughts is Peace of mind. Worshiping god 

gives peace of mind.


All human beings are brothers and we are one is brotherhood 

in our Indian culture. இயம்புவதேயாகும்.“யாதும்

ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர்“, என்ற கணியன்

பூங்குன்றனாரின் கருத்தும் இதுவே.


To show kindness to all the species like human beings, 

animals and plants is called pity.

Culture and civilization

In old and new stone ages human being lived like animals 

with out mental and physical growth.He used rough stones as 

instruments in old stone age and sharp and toned stone as 

instruments/weapons. After that step by step his knowledge 

was developed.

Next he learned about metals and used that. In beginning he 

was a hunter, then he learned farming, animal husbandry, 

weaving etc. Due to economic growth built comfortable homes 

and lived. To make his external world great he did ஆடை,  

அணிகலன்கள், ஒப்பனை ப்

பொருள்கள், உணவு வகைகள், பாத்திரங்கள்

வானளாவிய கோபுரங்கள், மாட மாளிகைகள்,

அழகிய நெடுஞ்சாலை கள், ஊர்திகள்,

தொழிற்சாலைகள், வானொலி, தொலைபே சி,

தொலைக்காட்சி, மின்னஞ்சல் போன்ற

துறைகளில் வளர்ச்சியடைந்துள்ளான். So he 

developed facilities ccording to his needs. This external 

development is called civilization.

Etymology of civilization.

From Nagar- (city) only the word nagarigam emerged. 

Nagar+agam. As the people in cities are having all the 

facilities their way of living is called as nagarigam. We see that 

day by day it is changing and growing.



Culture -civilization Similarities and differences

Both these are related to each other and helping each other for 

their growth. Civilization is growth of external life and culture 

is inner development.

Civilization is like one’s body. Due to the facilities and 

infrastructure development a country can be in top position 

and become world famous. Their growth in science and 

technology and innovations can uplift the lifestyle of the 

country’s people. And due to this their economic condition 

can also improve. These are external growth of a country.

Culture is like life. It is inner growth. The improvement of 

thoughts in people’s mind. The noble thoughts depicts in 

people’s thoughts, words and acts. Apart from external 

growth, the internal growth due to the functioning of these 

elements of inner developments such as discipline, humility, 

truthfulness, cleanliness, kindness is called culture.


We can measure the period and nature of external 

developments, but you can’t measure culture which causes 

changing of mind in every different situation.

Growth of Civilization is fast. But culture grows at proper and 

regular speed.

Civilization can be followed by all easily from anywhere, from 

any place, any country. But culture can be followed with great 

effort by people with same mindset and consensus.

Use of telecommunication is same in any country. And the 

changes and developments in it can be followed easily from 

anywhere. But there is a difference in theories of arts, 

literature and religious elements in every country and every 

ethnicity. So one has to explore which is wanted and which is 

unwanted among these things and then only can follow.

Even though there are differences in culture and civilization, if 

there is no growth in civilization, then there won’t be any 

development in culture also. If there is negative elements like, 

restlessness, fear, confusion, jealousy, strife, immature and 

incompatibility in the country cultural development is also 

impossible just like growth in civilization.

In short if we satiate the thirst of inner development based on 

culture, and adapt the best and needed developments in 

civilization life will be happy/beautiful. For example nuclear 

energy can be used electricity and other welfare activities and 

should not be used for destruction.

Unity in diversity

We are having differences in language, ethnicity, culture, food, 

clothes, religion, festival, occupation, method of worshipping, 

but we unite as Indians. This is called Unity in diversity.

Uses of cultural education

The education institution are doing great job to delivers the 

features of our culture to younger generation. They spread the 

awareness of culture and teach the method of preserving it.

Elements of life

To realise the elements of life. Morality, wealth, happiness and 

eternity or heaven. Cultural education teaches to attain all 


2. True elements of day to day life

Cultural education teaches the like Respect others, helping 

others, truthfulness at any time, tolerance, living with 


3. To follow the correct objectives

Objective of lives helps in living a cultured life. It helps to 

explore the correct way of life by way of avoiding wrong 


4. Solutions to problems

Cultural education gives the knowledge to find solutions for 

happenings in the society. Thirukural like books have 

opinions about politics, medicine and economics. By reading 

those we can get solutions.

5. Living with nature

According Vedas and mythology, our ancestors worshipped 

nature and lived long without any diseases by following 

natural way of medicine and food. For them food is medicine 

and medicine is food. So it is good to live with nature.

Like this cultural education teaches to know our antiquity and 

living a better life by integrating modern thoughts with 

ancient knowledge.


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