Wednesday, 21 October 2020

11 std Ethics அறவியலும்இந்தியப் பண்பாடும் volume 1 Translation of 4th lesson தமிழர் கலைகள் part 1

4th lesson தமிழர் கலைகள் part 1

Arts indicates civilization of mankind. Tamil people expressed 

their feelings through arts. In the starting their every work 

explicated arts. According to Manimekalai there are 64 forms 

of arts.

Arts are the identity of multi-faced culture of a country. It 

depicts the life style, habits, econimic status of people. There 

were 64 basic arts in Tamil Nadu according to kambar. Those 

which are useful to mankind is arts. There are 2 types of arts, 

common arts and beauty arts. Mayilai Sini Venkatasamy told 

that beauty arts give visual pleasure and hearing pleasure. 

Architecture, sculpture, painting, singing and dancing arts of 



The buildings like houses, temples, palaces in TN are 

examples of their architectural art. Among these temples are 

still there to exhibit the architecture of Tamil people beyond 

time. From the time of Sangam era there were books for 

construction called  manai nool. Ilango adigal describes this.

Wooden buildings

In ancient times buildings were built with woods. Example of 

this type is sabhanayakar mandapam in Chidambaram 

Nataraja temple. Wood will get spoiled because of natural 

elements. So to avoid that wooden structures were protected 

with gold, copper and silver sheets were put upon them. After 

wooden structures, clay buildings were emerged. The clay 

buildings had wooden roof upon them. After that they started 

construction of high quality buildings with baked sand and 


Buildings made with bricks

From sangam period itself buildings made with bricks were 

there. They were stronger than wooden and clay buildings. 

Before 600 common year, all the buildings were of bricks 

only. Kings repaired those structures regularly.

Cave temples were constructed by way of scooping out. These 

structures had sanctum sanatorium, front hall and pillars. In 

7th century common era, Mahendraverma Pallavan 

constructed the first cave temple in Madagadipattu of 

Villupuram district. First cave temple by ancient Pandyas is in  

Pillarpatti. Cave temples had big halls so they were called 

Mandapakkoil and as they were made from stones they were 

also called stone temples.

There were temples made from single stones are there in TN. 

The Mahishasuramardini temple which is incomplete is an 

example of these temples.


To put granite stones one upon other and make a building 

with out clay or lime in between them is called Katraligal. In 7th century common era this method was started by  

Narasimhavarma pallavan.Mamallapuram, Kanchipuram, 

panamalai temples are older than this. In 8th century common 

era all the buildings were built in this method only. Later 

period Chozhas changed the buildings made with bricks into 


Dravidian architecture

Indinan temple structures are divided into 3. Nagaram, 

vesaram and dravidam. If the dome of the temple constructed 

with 4 sides and looks like a square then it is called Nagaram. 

This is North Indian type. If the dome looks round then it is 

called vesaram. Central India’s Bhudhits temples are 

constructed like this type. If the dome has 8 sides and built 

with border then it is dravidian type. South Indian temples are 

built in this method only. From Krish river in the north, 

Kanya kumari in the south, the dravidian architectural 

method was spread.

Even it was spread in Sri Lanka, Burma, Malasia and 

Cambodia. Architectural period of Tamil people can be 

divided as, Pallava period, Pandya period, Chozha period and 

Vijaya Nagara period and Nayakkar period.

The pyramid like structure over the sanctum sanatorium of a 

hindu temple is called vimanam. That is commonly called  

shatanga vimanam. It refers to 6 parts which is relatively 

referring to 6 parts of human beings ( See picture)

Mostly there will be only one Kalash (pot) upon vimanam. In 

chozha period vimanam were built in great heights.


Gopuram is the important and beautiful part of temple. Seeing 

Gopuram brings goodness. Gopuram usually constructed on 

entrances of compound walls. Gopuram can have many 


Constructing Gopuram on temples started in pallava period 

and acclaimed supreme position during the period of Vijaya 

Nagaram kings.

During Rajasimhan period first small Gopuram was 

constructed on Kailasanathar temple in Kanchipuram.  

Pallavas and Chozhas gave importance to vimanams. During 

Vijayanagara and Nayakar period, vimanams became small 

and Gopurams became larger in size. Krishna Devarayae 

constructed high gopurams. He constructed high gopurams in 

Kanchipuram, Chidambaram and Thiruvannamalai. These 

were called Rajagopuram.

Architecture in Pallava period

Pallavas ruled Tamil nadu for 300 years from Kanchipuram as 

capital. They constructed cave temples without wood, 

concrete, metal, and bricks.



Ancient Pallavas typys of temples are in Mangapattu, 

Pallavaram Mamandur, Vallam, Mahendravadi, 

Siyamangalam, Thalavanur and Trichy.Among these  

Mahendravarman period temple’s are Antiquities.  

Mamallapuram temple are world famous. Tiger (Yali)faces 

were carved in outer structure of a Cave temple at Saluvan  

kuppam. It is amazing and now it is called Tiger cave.

Pallavas not only built cave temples and temples with one 

stone but also constructed concrete temples. Example of this 

is Kailasanathar temple at Kanchipuram,.

Architecture of Pandyar period

When Pallavas were ruling North of Tamil Nadu, Pandiyan 

dynasty were ruling in the south TN. From the period of 

Chezhiyansenthan to Veerapandiyan, their cave temples, 

single Katralaigal and concrete temples are evidence to their 

architectural excellence.

Cave temples of Pandyan period is made with beautiful 

sculptures. You can see these in Pillayarpatti, 

Malayadikurichi, anaimalai, Tiruparankundram, kundakkudi, 

Thitumeyam, Kudimiyanmalai, Sithannavasal, 

Mahibalanpatti, Piranmalai, Azhagiya pandiyapuram, 


Single katralai at vettuvankiol is an evidence for Pandyas 

talents. It is called southern Ellora. Thirupthur Katralinathar 

temple is also an example of this kind.

Architecture of Chozhas period

Later chozhar’s period is golden period of TN architecture. 

From Vijayalaya Chozhan to Rajaraja chozhan III they made 

numerous temples. And converted temples made with bricks 

into granite temples. Northamalai temple built by Vijayalaya 

Chozhan is unique, as the outer compound wall made in 

square shape and inner compound wall built in round shape.

Adhitha Chozha built so many temple on the banks of river 

Cauvery. Paranthaka chozhan built Brhamapuriswarar temple 

and Erumbur kadambavaneswarar temple explicits their 

beauty and simplicity. The role of Chembiyanmadevi in 

Chozha architecture is noteworthy. She helped generously to 

built temples. Rajaraja built Thanjai Big temple which is also 

called as ‘The Southern Meru’. This temple is a marvel of 

architecture. There were no granite stones found near 

Thanjavur but he built this temple full of granite stones with 

216 feet height and 13 layers vimana and named it as  

Rajaraswaram. Its front entrancew is called Keralanthakan 

entrance and inner entrance is called Rajarajan entrance. At 

the top of the vimanam 80 ton eight angled structure is 

there.In 1987, UNESCO awarded this as a symbol of world 


Rajendrachozha built Gangai Konda Chozhapuram in memory 

of his victory over Gangai.It is 170 feet height. And considered 

as an encyclopaedia of architecture.

Vijayanagara Dynasty and Nayakar dynasty

There were notable changes happened in the architecture 

during Vijayanagara Dynasty and Nayakar dynasty. It was a 

continuation of Pallava style and Chozha style of architecture 

only. Subtle decorative works were the speciality of their 

period. Big Gopurams and small vimanams are their style. 

Thiruvannamalai, Madurai, Rameshwaram are examples.

Nayakar period architecture is same as Vijayanagara period. 

Their speciality is to build 100 pillar halls and 1000 pillars 

halls. Thirumalai Nayakar Mahal, Rameshwaram 1000 pillar 

halls, Madurai Meenakshi temple pudhumandapam, 

Thayumanavar temple in Trichy are examples. The history of 

architectural marvel of TN declares their excellence to the 


Art of sculptures

Tombstone is radix of sculpture art in Tamil Nadu. Tholkappiyam, Agananooru, purananuru mention about these tombstones. Tombstones are stones erected in memory of people who died in a war or died while serving people. Their name and achievements were written on the tombstones and it was worshiped by people. It can also be called Veerakkal(Valour stone) and Ninaivukkal (Memorial stone)In tholkappiyar period it was like a stone and later on instead of stone people put the statue of the deceased person and worshiped. They made concrete idols of gods and worshiped them. Then it developed into the art of sculpture making idols out of stones. During festivals people made clay idols of animals and human beings and worshiped them. It was called Kadirai eduppu, uravaram. The sculptures made from stone are stone sculptures and sculptures made from metal are called padima uruvangal. 

From paripadal we learned that in sangam era wooden sculptures were there. Korkai, Arikkamedu, uraiyur excavations revealed sangam period’s sculptures and backed mud tiles. Manimekalai mentions that people who gathered in Kaveripattinam enjoyed the concrete sculptures during the Indravizha. The sculpture artist was called Mannittalar. CE 3rd century to CE 10th centure Jainish and Buddhism were spread in Tamil nadu.Initialdays Bhudhists worshipped foot images and dharma chakram. Then they started worshiping Bhudha idol.In Jainism people worshipped idols of Mahavir and Thirthakarars.


Carving natural image or fictional image is called sculpture. It is made with stone, concrete, wood, tree, wax, ivory and metal. It is called pudaippu sirpangal (erected sculpture) and thanisirpangal (separate sculpture) If a sculpture is carved from a wall, tree, stone, or board and showing only the front portion of the person then it is called Pudaippu sirpam. If it is showing full struture or figure of the person or thing then it is called thani sirpam.

Temples in TN are nurtured because of the art of sculpture. In the beginning sculptures were made out of limestone and wood. Example Sundara varadaraja temple’s idols are made out of wood. Idols of Triplicane parthasarathy temple and Kanchi Varadaraja temple are made from Limestone. Pallavas started the stone sculptures and later Chozhas started the metallic sculptures. 


Morphing one’s image as it is called statue. The oldest statues 

are of Pallava kings. Chozhas started making metal statues.

Pallava period

Pallavas period was the origin of temple sculptures. The Dwar 

Balakas (guards) of temples belonging to first  

Mahendraverman were made as pudaippu sirpangal. These 

were the first stone sculptures. But the idols at sanctum 

sanctoram of temples were made with wood or limestones. In 

Pallavas period statues of king and queen were also made.

There was granite rock in Mamallapuram near Govarthana 

Mandapam. It is 96 feet width and 43 feet height. There is a 

natural down-facing pit in this rock. The Pallvas used this 

natural thing and carved a cluster of sculptures called 

Bhagirath penance’ Bhagirath doing penance and Gangai 

came to earth were beautifully carved as sculptures in this 

rock. In their period they made sculptures telling stories of 

mythology. In Namakkal both the sides of rock fort have cave 

temples. In eastern side Pallikonda perumal koil (Vishnu) and 

in western side Narasimha temple is situated. The 10 avatars 

of Vishnu are also carved like sculptures here. Single stole 

chariot and temple sculptures are specialities of Pallavas.

Chozha period

The developed state of Pallavas art of sculpture is what 

Chozha  style of sculptures. The short pudaippu sirpangal 

were converted into highly structured pudaippu sirpangal and 

statues in Chozha period. During this period not only in TN 

even in Kajiraho, Bhuvaneshwar, Udaipur were attained high 

position in scultures. High crowns, slim and tall images are 

specialities of Chozha style of statues. Later chozhas 

sculptures are having jewels and decoration on them. And the 

images had round faces, short and fat body during these 


Raja raja chozhan’s Brahadeeshwarar temple in Tanjore has 

 Bhudh astatue in its souther entrance and Jain statue on top 

of the vimanam. The Nandhi (bull) statue of this temple is the 

second largest Nandi in India.

Its height is 12 feet, length is 8.25 feet and width is 19.5 . 

Second Raja rajan built Tharasuram temple which has 90 

sculptures depicting the life of Nayanmars.

Copper statues

Copper statues are contribution of TN to the world. From the 

books of Maduraikanchi, Kurunthogai, Pattinappalai, we 

came to know that even in Sangam era there might be metal 

statues.  But Chozhar era was golden period of metallic statues.

During the period of Nijayalayan, Paranthakan, 

Chembiyanmadevi, Rajarajan the importance of metallic 

statues was there. Among metallic statues of Chozha period 

Natarajar statue is world famous. There were mentions in 

stone carvings and metallic carvings regarding the Kings and 

their family members’ donations of metallic statues to 

temples.  Later Pandyas art of sculpture was same as Chozhas. 

They concentrated on beautifying outer walls and its 

sculptures of the temple.

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